Marketing 101 : Positioning and Communicating Benefits

It is fun to watch a real life case-study of sorts playing out in the battle of the tablets. There is the iPad 2, selling users on the experience, the emotional tug of Facetime, about how doctors and teachers and kids love the iPad.


And then there are the Android tablets selling specs, processors, gigahertz, dual-core, Adobe Flash and a good dose of WTF!


Seth Clifford (thanks to Daring Fireball) notes how a Staples manager says that a lot of people are returning Galaxy Tabs. To quote from the blog.

“Oh, ok, because we’re selling a lot of these things, and we get a LOT of them back. People buy them thinking they’re getting rid of a laptop, and they all come back returning them.”

This is what happens when you sell on features and not on benefits. This is what happens if you muddy the positioning of your product. Looks like we are all going to have start thinking about 2012 as the year of the iPad competitor.

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